The Taste of Summer Challenge

What does summer taste like? Our Taste of Summer Challenge distinguishes the tried and true as they discover every flavor Josh's has to offer. The first ten customers to experience the Josh's menu in its entirety will receive a signature Josh's t-shirt and their photo in the 71st and Garnett shack.The Flavors Challenge List will track your progress as you make your way though the Josh's board and will be of utmost importance throughout the summer. Click the link to download the list at home!

If you're brave enough to accept the challenge, simply:

1. come by any of our locations with your Flavor Challenge List

2. order your next flavor

3. politely ask the sno'ista to initial next to the flavor you just ordered

Becoming a sno connoisseur is simple and delicious. Along the way, you just might experience a Taste of Summer.